Are You in a Weight Loss Plateau?

Try to eat healthy.

By PF Staff

So, you took the leap and signed up for a weight loss program. But once you got started, it was a whole different story. While you may feel like you’re doing everything to a T, the scale is stuck and you can’t figure out why. Plateaus are a normal part of any weight loss journey, but there are many reasons for them. Check out these six reasons why the scale may be stuck:

Weight loss is dependent on “calories in” being lower than “calories out.” Eating too much for your current activity level and weight could be a reason why the scale is stuck.

Not keeping track
Overeating, skipping meals and portion control can all be eased if you get more diligent with food tracking.
Try tracking your diet at least 80% of the time or at least five to six days of the week. Be sure to include all eating occasions (even nibbling), portion sizes and ingredients.

Skimping on protein and fiber
Try maximizing protein and fiber in your diet. “Protein helps preserve lean muscle mass while losing weight to help maintain metabolic rate. Also, protein and fiber keep you feeling full longer.

Increasing muscle
If you’ve been hitting the gym and putting on muscle, you might also experience a stall on the scale. Find other measures of success in the meantime. For example, your jeans may be fitting better or you may have more energy. These non-scale victories are just as valuable as a number on the scale.

Other lifestyle factors
Lack of sleep can disrupt weight loss. The National Sleep Foundation recommends sticking to a regular sleep schedule. Limit caffeine and screen-time in the hours before bed.

Illness or injury
A recent illness or injury can cause increased inflammation that results in water retention. Additionally, injury or illness can decrease daily activity and overall calories burned. Some medications may also stall weight loss. Consult your doctor. (StatePoint)