¡Si, Se Puede! Let’s Make Music!

For Mrs. Sterline Hudson is never late to learn music. /Photo: Coutesy FP For Mrs. Sterline Hudson is never late to learn music. /Photo: Coutesy FP

By Alice Alviani/Family Piano

Waukegan, IL. -Let me ask you this, “Why can’t you make music?” I think I’ve heard every excuse. Probably the most common is, “I’m too old to start.” This is especially silly when the person saying it is under 20-something years of age. Music-making is for ALL ages!
One of our students, Mrs. Sterline Hudson, will be 96 in about 2 weeks. She BEGAN piano when she was 85 years old! It was something she’d always wanted to do for herself, so she finally started and hasn’t looked back. Sterline has no desire to perform, and that’s fine. Her adult grandchildren have taken the time to call us to say how we’ve changed Grandma’s life for the better – she inspires so many with her upbeat, “can-do” attitude!
Music making is a powerful balancing, healing and anti-aging activity. There is even new and conclusive evidence that you CAN grow new brain cells after you’re born! The best activity that grows brain cells, especially in the vital hippocampus and corpus collusum areas: MUSIC LESSONS! This compelling new study used the latest technology and Carbon 14 dating (the atomic bombs dropped in 1945 altered the whole planet, not just Japan) to see new brain cells being created and what activities stimulate what areas of the brain and how. Thank you to our dear friend, Dr. Hector Rasgado-Flores professor at Roselyn Franklin Medical School, for sharing this important information.
A popular new book, “The End of Alzheimers” by Dr. Dale Bredesen, cites many fascinating facts, including other current, important studies about music lessons as part of your strategy to avoid dementia/ enjoy your healthy brain.

Read the article in the latest edition of Puro Futbol Newspaper. You can find it in your nearest restaurant, bakery, supermarket, laundromat, school, and court.