Por PF Staff
Zion, IL. - ¡El pasado sábado 8 de agosto, Bears Care ayudó a marcar un gran touchdown para nuestras familias del Distrito Escolar 6 de Zion!
Gracias a todos los que ayudaron a hacer de esto un gran éxito, #BearsCare, Northern Illinois Food Bank, Christ Community Church, Bernie's Book Bank, #CityofZion, Advocate Health Care, PNC y todos los maravillosos voluntarios.
¡Repartimos más de 900 comidas, mochilas, útiles escolares, kits de salud, mascarillas, desinfectante de manos y libros! Vea este video que destaca toda la diversión y el arduo trabajo que se realizó en la 12ª Feria anual de Regreso a Clases.
Huge touchdown for District 6
This past Saturday, August 8, Bears Care helped score a huge touchdown for our District 6 families! Thank you to everyone who helped make this a great success, #BearsCare, Northern Illinois Food Bank, Christ Community Church, Bernie's Book Bank, #CityofZion, Advocate Health Care, PNC and all of the wonderful volunteers.
We handed out over 900 meals, backpacks, school supplies, health kits, face masks, hand sanitizer, and books! Check out this video highlighting all the fun and hard work that went into the 12th annual Back to School Fair.